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Matcha Green Tea - A Different Kind of Tea

Posted by Green Tea Weight Loss Blog

More and more people are learning what many in Japan have known for centuries: to get the full benefits of the green tea plant - the maximum healthy impact - you have to use the very best leaves and consume the nutrients in the entire leaf. That is exactly what you get with Matcha. It is definitely not your average green tea.

What is Matcha?
This Japanese tea has been known for centuries for its energy-boosting, mind-focusing, and metabolism-fuelling properties. It is the very high-quality, stone-ground powdered form of whole, select shade-grown Japanese green tea leaves. So, when you consume Matcha powder, you are actually consuming the whole leaf rather than just tea leaf-infused water. This way, you get the full nutrients of a very high-quality leaf. Additionally, Matcha has much less caffeine as compared to coffee. It's also a healthy alternative to sugary drinks like bottled tea, soda and sports drinks. It has a very fine texture similar to baby powder and can be brewed either thick or thin depending on your personal preference. The taste of Matcha is smooth and mellow, and not at all bitter.

Benefits of Matcha
• It is proven to possess anti-viral and antibiotic properties, which assist with digestion to kill harmful bacteria and help prevent colds and flu.
• It increases your mental alertness and sharpness.
• It contains naturally high vitamin C, fluoride and chlorophyll content, among other vitamins and minerals.
• Naturally sugar-free, it is an ideal drink for diabetics and others desiring to reduce their sugar intake.
• It contains major components that promote fat loss, such as catechins, caffeine and theanine.

Why Drink Matcha?
As you can see, drinking Matcha can lead to many health benefits. Because you consume the entire leaves, you get a beverage approximately 10 times more powerful than regular brewed green tea. Additionally, Matcha contains about 70 times the antioxidants of orange juice and 9 times the beta-carotene of spinach.
Today, Japan only exports about 4% of its precious Matcha. It is not only a highly treasured specialty green tea, but it is also used frequently in cooking and baking. It is also used in health foods and western-style beverage creations, such as Matcha lattes and smoothies. Therefore, even if you do not like drinking tea, you can still enjoy its healthy benefits. So, there you have it - the Matcha difference and how it can help you live a healthier lifestyle!

You can find delicious matcha green tea with all the health benefits listed here from Jade Monk, makers of high-quality, stone-ground matcha powder.

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