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Is Oprah's Best Green Tea Drink Really Worth It? - Drinking This to Lose Weight & Body Cleanse

Posted by Green Tea Weight Loss Blog

Oprah once ran her show with Dr. Perricone, featuring green tea as an aid for weight loss and diet. The tea is recommended for weight loss purposes and because of its body cleansing effects. The main properties that make the tea really healthy are its polyphenols which includes catechin, epicatechin gallate, gallaogatechin, epicatechin, and apigallocatechin gallate.

Even before this modern era when a lot of hype about the benefits of green tea is being discussed, China, Thailand, Japan, and India have already been using the tea for a number of health conditions or issues like helping with digestion or even wound healing. During the Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Perricone informed the audience that they can actually lose 10 pounds by just drinking the tea in a matter of six weeks. Though this came as something very unusual for many, the diet in many places, especially in Asia, is a daily ritual.

Green tea can help in weight loss goals and the good thing about is, it is all-natural and has no side effects. Aside from losing weight, if cleansing your body from toxins and chemicals is your major concern, the tea can be a great aid to you. Because of its antioxidants and caffeine concentrations, the tea can indeed be beneficial in burning fat and at the same time flushing unwanted substances inside the body which can harm it.
Drink 6 to 20 cups of green tea a day to fully benefit from its healthy properties. The more tea you drink in a day, the more benefits you reap. As an advice too, adding citrus fruits to the tea can help your body absorb more antioxidants. More antioxidants mean more weight lost and more body cleansing effects.

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